Harapan Baru has several regular donors who support micro-enterprises. For an annual amount of 300 euros, a disabled resident of Lombok can receive guidance and eventually become self-sufficient.

In addition, the foundation has donors who periodically contribute smaller amounts to support the work of Harapan Baru. One-time contributions are, of course, also warmly welcomed!

The water project has been sponsored by Rotary Aalten-Wisch and Rotary Bergh through the “Walking for Water” project until 2024. A new sponsor is being sought for the coming years.

Every year, we are allowed to submit a subsidy request to the Protestant Church Aalten and Stichting Mondiaalten.

We have a good partnership with “Wilde Ganzen”. They support our foundation’s projects (upon their approval) with one-third of the total costs. This is a tremendous financial contribution that makes it possible to realize larger projects!

“Wilde Ganzen” is a Dutch organization that has been working towards a world without poverty for 67 years. All over the world people create change by rolling up their sleeves. With small, smart projects, entrepreneurs in their own neighborhoods are making a difference and break ground. These initiatives are set up by local go-getters in collaboration with Dutch foundations. Wilde Ganzen supports these collaborations with know-how, a strong network, and funding.